Crop: Chiku چيڪو

Crop Detail
Manilkara zapota, commonly known as sapodilla, sapota, chikoo, chico, naseberry, or nispero is a long-lived, evergreen tree native to southern Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. An example natural occurrence is in coastal Yucatán in the Petenes mangroves ecoregion, where it is a subdominant plant species.
Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Permanent
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Fruit Crops
Crop Climate Title Tropical
Crop Water Method Title Irrigated
Crop Duration Seasonal
Crop Economic Title Food Crop
Crop Growing Season Kharif / Rainy / Monsoon Crops


Sucking Pests

Fruit fly

Chiku چيڪو Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
Round -
egg type -