Crop Detail
Sugarcane is an important industrial and cash crop in Pakistan and in many countries of the world. The average production of sugar cane in Pakistan is 450-500 mounds per acre which is very much low compared to the cane production by other countries. Agronomic factors like preparatory tillage, bed preparation, planting techniques and time, water availability for irrigation, application of fertilizers, management of ratoon crop, harvesting time, type of cultivars and plant protection measures significantly affect its production. These factors also contribute to the cost of production. It is noteworthy that the cultivation of sugar cane crop is carried out for crushing purposes to obtain sugar, Panela (Jaggery. gur), and other products. By-products like alcohol used in the pharmaceutical industry, ethanol used as a fuel, bagasse used for paper-making and chipboard manufacturing and press mud used as a rich source of organic matter that adds to soil fertility are derived after the cane is crushed Pakistan occupies an important position in cane producing countries of the world. It ranks at the fifth position in cane acreage and production and almost 15th position in sugar production.