Crop: Wheat

Crop Detail

Wheat in Pakistan is grown under different agro-ecological zones. In irrigated areas wheat is planted after cotton, rice and sugarcane. In rain fed areas wheat is grown in sequence with maize, sorghum, pearl millet and after fallow especially in low rainfall zone. In the Punjab region of India and Pakistan, as well as North China, irrigation has been a major contributor to increased grain output. Use of fertilizer and semi-dwarf varieties in developing countries, has increased yields per hectare. Fertilizer and breeding technique improves its yield. Crop rotation with canola crop boosts yield by 25 %. Globally wheat is a leading source of vegetable protein in human food and has higher protein content than other major cereals. Wheat grain is staple food used to make flour for leavened, flat and streamed bread, biscuit, cookies, cake, breakfast etc. Wheat is used in a secondary capacity in some markets as a feed for livestock.

Major/Minor Major
Temporary/Permanent Temporary
Category Agriculture Extension
Type Cereal Crops
Crop Climate Title Temperate
Crop Water Method Title Irrigated
Crop Duration Annual
Crop Economic Title Food Crop
Crop Growing Season Rabi / Winter / Cold Crops


Sucking Pests

Wheat Aphid ArmyWorm Termites Rat/Rodents Wild Boar Weeviles Locust Wireworms Rats Cut worms Caterpillar Grain pod borre

Fungal Diseases

Flag Smut Brown Rust Powdery Mildew Yellow Rust Stripe Fusarium Stalk Rot Loose Smut black mold Karnal Bunt wheat blast Fusarium crown/root rot fusarium head blight

Bacterial Diseases

Angular Leaf Spot


jangali jai Broad Leaf Mix weeds Narrow Leaf Broad Spectrum Pre emergence


wilting yellowing Stunted growth Water Stress Germination 25 % grain Dropping or shattering

Wheat Seed Varieties

Name Seed Rate
Benazir-13 50-60 /kg /acre
Hamal-13 50-60/ kg /acre
Moomal-89 50-60 /kg /acre
Abadghar-93 50-60 /kg /acre
Sarsabz 50-60 /kg /acre
Khurman 50-60 /kg /acre
sasee 50-60 /kg /acre
Kiran-95 50-60 /kg /acre
TJ-83 50-60 /kg /acre
Anmool-91 50-60 /kg /acre
Kiran-93 50-60 /kg /acre
TD-1 50-60 /kg /acre
Sakarand-1 50-60 /kg /acre
Bhatti-1 50-60 /kg /acre
Maraee 50-60 /kg /acre