Crop Detail
Sesame or "till' is the most ancient crop cultivated for its oil in the sub-continent. Its Seeds contain between 50 and 58 % of very good semi-drying oil, mostly with oleic and linoleic triglycerides. Its oil is stable and does not rancid even after long exposure to air. Sesame oil contains about 22 % and the cake about 42 % proteins. Sesame oil is used as foods (cooking and salad), medicine and soap manufacturing etc. Its seeds and young leaves are eaten as stews and soaps in Asia. In Pakistan, the average area under sesame was 30300 hectares during 1985-90, whereas the average yield was 395 Kg/ha. In the year of 1992-93, the area and production increased up to 82200 hectors and 34000 tons/ha and yield was 414 kg/ha. During 1996-97, both the area and production or sesame again increased to the tune of 99500 hectares and 45000 tons/ha and yield also increased to 452 kg/ha. During 199899 the area and production decreased up to 20 % while yield kg/ha remained the same as in previous years. According to FAO estimates, Honduras and Egypt are the leading countries producing yield of 1267 and 1063 kg/ha, respectively. It has been proved in the country and abroad that the yield potential of the 'til' cultivars is up to 2000 kg/ha. Therefore, the farmers must increase the area under this crop and adopt below mentioned technology recommendations to boost per unit area productivity of sesame in Pakistan.